Optimization of the potential of the Vestibule System The ear is not only an organ of hearing but also determines balance, rhythm and coordination. Try covering one ear while walking and you will find it difficult to balance. Balance depends on the vestibule, the part of the inner ear that informs the brain of the slightest movement of the body.…

Activation and Acoustic Feedback Have you ever noticed that your voice can change due to emotional stress? In this case it takes a few seconds for the tone of your voice to return. This is because the auditory feedback circuitry is disturbed and is unable to correctly analyze the sounds of your voice. The fundamental principle of the TOMATIS® Method…

Stimulation of the ear to activate the cerebral cortex Over 80% of sensory stimulation comes from your ear. Whether you are awake or asleep, your ear is constantly bombarding your brain with stimuli. By the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetal ear is the first fully functional organ. The cochlea located in the inner ear is responsible for “activating the…

Helping the brain to detect and develop mechanisms of change Have you ever tried to get someone’s attention by snapping your fingers? In this case you used the element of surprise to get someone’s attention. Indeed, the brain is very sensitive to changes it cannot anticipate. Attention is the ability to select and maintain the perception of an external event…

Βελτιστοποίηση του δυναμικού του Αιθουσαίου Συστήματος Το αυτί δεν είναι μόνο όργανο ακοής αλλά καθορίζει την ισορροπία, το ρυθμό και το συντονισμό. Δοκιμάστε να καλύψετε το ένα αυτί σας ενώ περπατάτε και θα δείτε ότι θα δυσκολευτείτε να ισορροπήσετε. Η ισορροπία εξαρτάται από το αιθουσαίο, το τμήμα του έσω ωτός που ενημερώνει τον εγκέφαλο για την παραμικρή κίνηση του σώματος.…



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