Services for Children

Learning Difficulties | Dyslexia | Attention | Hyperactivity | Autism | Language Disorders | Specialized Exam Preparation Programs for

Children | Foreign Language Integration

Many children have learning difficulties. Learning requires the involvement of all the senses, especially hearing.

A study of children with learning difficulties in Greece showed that a large proportion of them have difficulties in the way the brain processes auditory stimuli. Most of these children have normal hearing, but they do not perceive and process what they hear correctly  and  at  the  right  speed.  Thus they cannot concentrate and understand the teacher, they are constantly distracted, they need to listen to the instructions more than once, they read slowly and do not understand well what they read, they display an irrational flow in their stories, they need more time to process what they have heard, they lack vocabulary and have difficulty expressing themselves.

As educators with years of experience, we can better understand and reach children with special educational needs and talents by taking a holistic approach to their education. Using the Tomatis® Method as an integral part of our work, we help our little ones develop compensatory strategies to enable them to cope with and manage their learning difficulties. Always strive to help children reach their full potential.

The method effectively helps children to improve their school performance, stay more focused in class, understand what they hear better and learn a foreign language faster.